Getting to this page is a big step to getting the help you want, so congratulations! Before you place your order we want to be sure you know what to expect next.
Once you start your free week of counseling, you are going to get a confirmation email. This email will have instructions and tips on how to get the most out of this program. At the bottom of the email, you have a link to the first step of this process, your questionnaire. This step will give you a chance to tell us a little bit about yourself- and let us get to know you. It usually takes people 10-15 minutes to complete this step. As soon as that is complete, you will then get a text message from us to walk you through a quick tutorial, so you know how to communicate with us. And last but not least, you will have your first quick session with us. Altogether, this early stage of your counseling will take around 20 minutes.
We look forward to learning more about you and helping you reach your goals.
-The Behavioral Labs Team